10 Sep Women’s Rights Advocates Urge Electoral Candidates to Support the Decriminalization of Abortion
Women’s Rights Advocates Urge Electoral Candidates to Support the Decriminalization of Abortion
Following the recent Mexican Supreme Court ruling declaring that penalizing abortion is unconstitutional, feminists and local advocates in the Philippines demand stronger protections and guarantees of women’s rights by calling for the full decriminalization of abortion in the country.
Atty. Clara Rita Padilla, PINSAN spokesperson, stressed, “In the coming 2022 elections, we strongly urge all presidential, vice-presidential, senatorial/ congressional and all other candidates to take a positive stance to save lives in peril due to lack of access to safe abortion and place decriminalization of abortion in their platform to address this urgent public health, human rights, and social justice issue in our country. Our vast group across many sectors (women, youth, workers, migrant workers, indigenous peoples, Bangsamoro, persons with disabilities, persons with diverse SOGIE) will campaign and vote for those who support the decriminalization of induced abortion. We will campaign against anti-choice candidates, against candidates who have previously opposed passage of the RH Bill into law and challenged the RH Bill’s constitutionality before the Supreme Court and against candidates who oppose the bills we are pushing for.”
Read the full press release on the decriminalize abortion campaign website.